The tale of the Undisclosed Driver continues to cause problems for drivers in Michigan. Each person of driving age living in your home should be listed on your insurance policy. If someone is not listed, they are at risk of being an ‘undisclosed driver.’ Unfortunately, many people only list themselves because they think that is all they need to do. Even though you may pay your agent handsomely, it is still your responsibility to know the insurance policy.
If you have a child in college, roommates or a sixteen-year-old son or daughter, they should be listed on your policy. If they are not, your insurance company might rescind your insurance and deny a claim. If anyone living in your household is not listed on your policy, you may not be sufficiently covered.
It remains vital that you find a good agent to go over your insurance policy with you. If you already have a good agent, honestly answer any questions they may have to make sure that you will be adequately covered at a time of a loss. Paying years of insurance premiums only to have a claim denied because of a technicality can be frustrating and costly. Educate yourself on your policy, know your coverage and find an agent who will help you understand your options.
For any questions, comments or concerns, please contact me or call me directly at 616-723-8025.
The information provided here relates to general situations and questions concerning specific risks and may not apply to all situations or individual circumstances. Detroit Insurance does not issue insurance contracts or bind coverage. We do not endorse or recommend any companies or insurance policies, and we do not provide insurance, tax or financial advice.